5 Ways To Improve Your Quality Of Life


If I’ve learnt anything from human behaviour over past 11 years it is that we are all looking for ways to hack and improve the quality of our life. However in those 11 years I’ve also noticed some glaring traits and habits that push us away from achieving great things.

  • Self-doubt. The cancer of the mind,

  • High expectations. Coupled with low education on an outcome (e.g. lose 10 kgs in 3 weeks)

  • Negative self-talk. Often without even realising (e.g. I’m tired)

Below are  5 simple ways to help pull you out of these negative mindsets and put yourself into a place of power.


1. Get out of AUTO PILOT. Be present.

You will be amazed by how many things you do daily without even noticing.

As my own example, my dad parked his car behind mine on the weekend however he has always parked on the street. I knew he had done this but at 4:30am the next morning I jumped in my car and reversed straight into him. AUTO PILOT. This was a big wake up call (literally) to me to be present and to start my day with better mental rituals and awareness.

Another example would be taking a look at your morning routine. Do you look at Instagram or Facebook as soon as you wake up? Maybe you say to yourself “geez I’m tired”, “I need more sleep”. Maybe you hit snooze seven times?

This also extends further to what you do when someone gives you a compliment. Do you automatically disregard it and find a negative? Or on the flipside when you ask someone how they are do you actually care about the answer?

These are all small things individually but eventually add up into big picture destruction or improvement. It just depends on where your mindset is at.

2. Daily Gratitude.

It’s been said and will be said again by me and thousands of others to come. This is because it works!

Write down or say out loud three things you are grateful for each morning. Make them big or make them small, it doesn’t matter- JUST DO THEM.

It’s impossible to grateful and angry at same time. Try it!

3. Look At Your Circle. Your circle of influence.

Are the five closest people to you pulling you up? Or are they cutting you down or constantly expecting you to help them up? If your circle is constantly pulling you down, questioning your capabilities and projecting their fears onto you then you should look to broaden your circle or have the tough conversations that need to be had. People should fill your cup up, challenge you to be best version of yourself, question when something isn’t right and give credit when credit is due. It’s ok to spend time with people that you are helping but as long as they are trying to get up and achieve positive outcomes too.

4. Perfect Average Day.

“How do we stop having bad days?” A question that was asked of me a while back by my coach Pete Tansley and one that has stuck with me ever since. It is something I think about and work on every day and made me more present and thoughtful.


5. Challenge Yourself Weekly. Build your will power.

I do this through physical activity like rowing , running weights etc, but this can be done with diet (e.g. I’m not going to each chocolate every day) or mindset (e.g. I’m not going to be negative today). WILL POWER is a muscle that needs to be built and practised every day to create inner and outer strength.


If you need more help with goal setting or putting things in place to achieve your dreams then give me a call on 0404 448 124 or email me at blake@bmf.com.au

BLAKE MORRISON, Founder and Head Coach of BMF


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